What I found in the Mail this Morning...

Sunday 2 January 2011

Things to do #5

And the newest part...

Today's list by #5 verlustangst, Malaysia:

- Knit a pair of socks and mittens for a newborn baby.
Any newborn baby out there wanting a pair of handmade socks and mittens?
- Start a conversation with a stranger at the bookstore.
Sure, hope the stranger isn't freaked out by me.
- Drink a different flavoured tea for a month.
Thank you very much for a great idea!
- Learn to write with your other hand.
I'm learning to draw with my other hand for now.
- Go to a Japanese tea ceremony class.
Not sure we have something like that here. I'm usually one of the people who teach this stuff in Riga/Latvia.
- Watch a movie from the year you were born.
There are a lot of great movies to watch from that year... for example, Tim Burton's Beetlejuice. Or Akira by Katsuhiro Otomo, from other anime would be The grave of the fireflies (火垂るの墓) by Isao Takahata and My neighbor Totoro (となりのトトロ) by Miyazaki. Or the first Die Hard movie. Or the 4th part of Nightmare on Elm Street (I like the first parts more though). And lots more.
- Leave a Postsecret in a book at your local bookshop for a stranger to discover.
I'm all for it! 


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